Category: 不朽

  • Personal Mission Statement

    Values When I die one day. People value me for the impact I’ve brought to world and to individuals. Work hard for all that I do. Give my best effort in every task. Ethusiastically approach the challenges and all else I do. Be open, honest and generous. Seek the counsel of others frequently and thoughfully.…

  • 自由与不朽

    自由是一种概念,不朽是一种追求,如果把自由当作追求,该平庸的人还是平庸,该不快乐还是不快乐。 把金钱和权力作为受尊重的资本,满足内心的欲望,与动物无异。 虚无是常态,自由是为了追求不朽。 做有趣的事,自己尊重的人,有趣的人。